Logic Books

A Concise Introduction to Logic

Prof. Hurley is also the author of A Concise Introduction to Logic

  • More than a million students have learned to think and reason from these books over 40 years.

  • A Concise Introduction to Logic is still the number 1 best seller in its field.

Logic books by Patrick Hurley

Purchase A Concise Introduction to Logic from Cengage Learning

Now Prof. Hurley has written a logical, common sense, easy to understand book on religion.

With the neutral, unbiased eye of a logician he has examined the phenomenon of religion from the standpoint of its 12 thousand year history. He has discovered a pattern that constantly repeats itself—that of priests creating gods and sustaining them in existence. In doing so, they augment their own power in the community in which they live. This discovery puts today’s religions in a new and revealing perspective.